Saturday, February 1, 2014

Oldies But Goodies: Tulips Galore

I don't remember where I found this blouse, but it was in constant rotation during my community college days. There was a definite feeling of continuing high school. I spent most of those two years buried in activity (editing the student paper, working in the PR department, hiking, my restaurant jobs), attempting to speed time before I could jet off to "real college." I also distracted myself by wearing the most vibrant things I could find.

It was a strange, awkward time. Not that I'm sour about it. Being stuck at home was a drag, though it afforded me free time I'll probably never have again. I had the opportunity to learn how to 'hang out,' something I seldom experienced as your typical high school over-achiever. You see, I had never partied before. I liked to have activities in mind when socializing. Sitting around for several hours in the same room doing, well, nothing, terrified me a little. It took a good year to learn to embrace the relaxation, and maybe part of that was accepting that I was in a transitional phase in my life--that I should just be and enjoy the moment before I lost it. I learned to like parties, and this shirt always seemed perfect for them.

One of my best friends used to shake his head and chuckle every time I wore it because it's one of my most obviously retro pieces, and one of the most "me," as he put it. In addition to the psychedelic tulip print, the sleeves are shortened and bell out at the ends. I always paired it with a gold gilded conch shell necklace, and always with gray jeans. He was right. It had a definite Karlie essence.

Daring to shake it up: I styled it here with a mixed print and a necklace that doesn't scream "70s cocktail party" quite so loudly.

Polka-dot button-down: thrifted, Value Village
Stone necklace: thrifted, Salvation Army
Watch: hand-me-down
Bracelet: flea market find

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