Monday, July 13, 2015

Fine Form: Two Ways to Style Miniature Bust Forms As Accessory, Jewelry Displays

bust form jewelry display
Bracelet: thrifted
Necklace: borrowed from my mom!

I snagged these miniature busts for $12 at The Green Shag Market (5733 Manchester Ave.) a couple months ago. At about six inches high, they make perfect little accessories holders. I keep one in my bedroom and one in my bathroom, each for different uses: one for vagrant hair ties, the other for jewelry I'm too lazy to put in its proper place. 

I'm getting an itch to spray paint them a funky color. What do you think?

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tales of a Hand-Me-Down: An Obnoxious Owl Necklace

Blouse: thrifted, Value Village
Necklace: hand-me-down

It isn't often you see a plain old top on this blog, so I had to dress it up with a statement piece.

The necklace once belonged to my grandmother, giver of great hand-me-downs such as this quilted vintage jacket. When I miss her, I wear her jewelry. We were very close, though our stubborn, all-too-similar personalities often put us at odds. My mom dubbed it a 'tickle, slap' relationship, because we could go from hugging to fighting and back again in the span of minutes. But the truth is, I am indebted to her because she is the person who first helped me realize how empowering personal style is. She introduced me to thrift shopping. She never criticized my get-up (to my face) or looked at a purchase with disgust. Once when my mom was pointing out the more geriatric-inclined aspects of my wardrobe, my grandma said it was weird but it suited me, and it's probably one of the greatest compliments I will ever receive. Wordlessly, she taught me not to apologize for portraying who I am. That weird isn't bad. She supported every strange, sartorial growing pain I experienced, and I never feel fear about what I'm wearing or what I like because of it. It's really amazing how the power of the love from people who believe in you carries on.

It's funny because as long as I knew her, she had a uniform of polyester slacks and crewneck sweatshirts. She wore jewelry on occasion, but it was of the department store, semi-precious stones variety. But when I put on a piece of hers like this, I sense her kooky spirit and feel the piece of her who enjoyed such small touches of whimsy.
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