Flight of the Conchords t-shirt: gifted
The rest: thrifted
Do you ever lose a piece of clothing or jewelry for several months? Between shuttling stuff back and forth from my boyfriend's house, and my one to two trips home to Illinois each month, I feel like I'm always trying to find something.
Most of the time I'm able to keep my patience intact until the lost item presents itself, because it has to be somewhere, right? However I wasn't so cool-headed when my Flight of the Conchords t-shirt went missing. It's one of the first gifts my boyfriend ever gave me (6 years ago!) and one of the few neutral-colored items in my whole wardrobe. I'd easily rank it in my top 10 pieces of favorite clothing. So I went straight-up crazy when it was lost--tearing apart my dirty laundry piles; checking over, under and behind every piece of furniture; I even spent a good few hours online trying to find a replacement. Nothing! Similar searches at my boyfriend and mom's homes were just as fruitless.
Further proving lost items are always the last place you'd imagine them being, I finally found it two visits to Illinois later, stuffed at the bottom of a laundry basket covered by bags of cake mixes. (Thanks, mom.) I screamed I was so happy to find it.
I think I was so anxious to have it back, not just because I love it so much, but because I needed it to be the perfect match for some of my new pieces. I knew when I spotted this psychedelic-printed maxi skirt that it would be a great companion with my retro baby blue jewelry... but Jemaine Clement's face really sets off the whole look, don't you think?